Our Fees & Model

Our consultants set their fees in accordance with their credentials, specializations, years of experience, and community standards for consultants and coaches. This rate structure enables each of us to sustain a small business and support ourselves; it also allows us to serve clients regardless of what they can afford to pay. We each operate an honor system and do not ask for proof of income for anyone requesting a reduced fee. However, we ask that clients consider the concept of "hardship vs sacrifice" and support our mission to provide access to quality training and mentorship to those who truly face financial hardship.

Being open and honest when engaging in sliding scale practices supports the growth of sustainable, thriving communities, in addition to showing respect for our consultants work and their families. Honoring these practices also allows us to invest more time and effort into developing affordable practices and resources that promote diversity, equity and inclusion.  

Only via committed action from researchers, service providers, professional organizations, policy makers, and training programs will we make real progress toward our mission: “the alleviation of suffering and the advancement of well-being for ALL humans (Association of Contextual Behavioral Science, 2022, n. d.)